
This is a blog about anything and everything,enjoy :)

Category: daily life


I will be doing my April favourites in a weeks time so this is just to say why I haven’t been posting anything recently which I apparently I start all my blog posts of with but these are the reasons.

Like a lot of people in UK maybe in other places in the world I’ve been studying for exams which has taken up a lot of my time (although a lot of people will disagree with that statement)however if you to are revising for exams of any kind just remember it will be over in a few months so just go through this painful time as I’m sure the reward is worth it.Probably.

the weather

Again,if you’re in the UK you will know for once we have had some nice weather recently which is very rare so I have been outside taking in the sunshine and not getting a brilliant tan.I may also do a blog post with some of the places I’ve been and what I’ve been up to.

Yes,i know this isn’t an excuse but it’s the truth I’m sure I’ve had a 30 minutes spare to do a post but I’ve probably just been caught up watching t.v so I apologise.

Also if you have any suggestions on what I should write about please leave a comment and I most probably will as I normally have a severe case of writers block (not that that’s an excuse or anything) 🙂

Birthday time

ITS MY BIRTHDAY(!!!) Before I begin I want to (again) apologise for not writing as much as I should have and as I’m now one year older I promise to keep it more up to date.

The first thing I thought of today was how weird birthdays are and how I wish It was my birthday everyday.Now most people will say I think this because of the presents but even though I did get a-m-a-z-i-n-g presents this year it’s not because of the presents because personally I love cards that look like they have had time and thought put into them (I’m also a card hoarder) but it’s the way you’re treated for this one particular day by people you may not even talk to.In “real” life you are approached by people smiling and giving good vibes to you and people have to be nice to you,because it’s your birthday! Even though I’m normally treated very well by the people I surround myself with it’s just something about this day.Not only is it better offline but online, especially if you have accounts on social networking sites like twitter and/or Facebook as you get 120583739x the amount of notifications as you would in a year and I know it’s sad but there’s something fun in your phone going off and people thinking you have hundreds of friends texting you.

my presents

I got Dolly Parton tickets which I can not begin to explain my excitement about!

I got Nutella earrings because to anyone who knows me knows that I have a very unhealthy obsession with Nutella.i go through a 750g pot of Nutella a week.

Some pretty dangly earrings which have a got a beautiful stone and a silver bird coming down from it.

Di palomo perfume set which I have wanted since last May when I found it in a shop and let’s just say I smelt tres Bon today.

I got from one friend some scrunchies,ethnic head wrap,floral bull dog clip and a toblerone.

From another I got chocolate and these pretty red flower earrings.

I also got this pretty necklace from one friend which is made of leather and silver.

My best friend got me a collage/pin board of all the memories we’ve had and it’s probably one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen.

MONEY! I got money which will probably be spent my this time next week!

A day In the life of…. Part one

As I’ve been so busy these past couple of weeks I thought I would do something quite different and do a post to tell you what I was up to yesterday (as I’m still in bed right now) So I woke up at 8:30-ish and had some cornflakes and toast with Nutella on which was delicious,I then got ready to go on a walk with my mum but it started raining so we had to Postpone it for a minute which within that minute my mum made a picnic and I did some drawing (more like half an hour).We drove to a national trust garden which there was a maze at which I got lost in and had to be directed around by a family who was watching me fail miserably at knowing what ways left and what ways right as well as a man who thought it was funny to let us pass him knowing there was a dead end (you don’t need people like that in your life) after the maze which took a while we walked around and our picnic.After this we drove home where I cracked on with some art and had a shower.(skips couple of hours where I was watching t.v and attempting to teach my cat some tricks) then started getting ready to bowling with my friends which I wore a top shop t-shirt,jeans and boots with a fat face shirt (after getting changed three times before) I then made my way to the bowling alley where I saw my wonderful friends waiting,before we started bowling the boys played some pool and Jose,Christie and I got some slush puppies which I haven’t had in ages after us three finished playing on a zombie attack game and boys finished pool and air hockey we decided to do some bowling.Now there are two things,1. You have to wear socks which I have a phobia of so Instead I wear tights which I have cut to look likes socks. 2.the shoe sizes now I have size 4.5-5 feet but with bowling shoes I’m size 3 (which were still to big for me) during the intense match which I came third in Alex who was up to bowl started swinging the ball around whilst he was spinning however instead of letting it go and the ball rolling down our lane the ball bounced over and and went down this lane where this group of people were bowling he then had to awkwardly walk down their lane and get the ball.After bowling we decided to go to Burger King (I know ,”grunge food” but you never refuse a chance to get some Chips and a milkshake) anyway as we were walking down the street to Burger King my friend ankle tapped me nearly tripping me up so we thought it would be funny to do this to our friend Jacob so I started sneaking up behind him and touched his ankle resulting in me going up in the air and falling landing my back in the ground (luckily my ponytail stopped me cracking my head) we we were all in hysterical laughter to Burger King and I now have a bruised back.burger King was funny I got a lecture about how bad chips are for you and Ben tried to take back his burger because he doesn’t like mayonnaise after trying to scrap it off,his question about getting a new one was shot down.after Burger King some people went home but we carried on as I was getting a lift home at 10:30pm.We then had some more incidents like I was picked up and as carried past a window by Alex who was saying “I’m kidnapping her” which according to christie my face was priceless.All in all it was nice to see people I haven’t seen in a week or two and it was very memorable.p.s yes,my friends are that hyper. Today it’s pretty boring as I’m just having my hair cut and you don’t need to know the painfully awkward conversations between my hairdresser and I.